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Deer Park School

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We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their learning across the curriculum and general experiences, and become resilient and investigative mathematicians after gaining a fluent and meaningful understanding of mathematics.

Our pupils will develop as confident and articulate learners with a broad range of mathematical vocabulary and gain the verbal dexterity to explain, examine, and evaluate mathematical problems. Our in-depth approach to critical thinking and open-ended problem solving aims to enrich our pupils with an exceptional mathematical foundation.


Mathematics is planned and sequenced using White Rose Mathematics, then tailored to our pupils needs with additional depth provided by the NCETM and bespoke in-school material. Through which, teachers work to support and guide their pupils through the stages of mathematical development.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure careful cumulative coverage. An emphasis on the connectivity of mathematical concepts applied throughout the school year, using precise sequencing of taught knowledge and skills, enables strong progression for all pupils.

We promote mathematical fluency in our pupils through regular arithmetic and number-fact sessions, along with times table support. Maths learning is supported through adaptive online tuition for pupils in KS2, alongside weekly online number tasks and fluency activities. Through rigorous and consistently high expectations of pupils’ fluency, we ensure that pupils have the knowledge to access the ambitious range of reasoning and problem solving ingrained in our curriculum.


Throughout our school, the most powerful tool to evaluate and support progress is our teachers’ expert use of assessment for learning. In each mathematics lesson, teachers identify and quickly address misconceptions, enable the forging of connections between concepts, and recognise opportunities for challenge and in-depth reasoning. Teachers, specialist tutors and teaching assistants deliver targeted maths interventions to address specific learning needs and to provide additional greater depth learning experiences.

Pupils are tested on their taught content each term, in addition to shorter low-stakes tests within each unit of learning. Pupil progress and attainment is carefully analysed, and the data used during teacher planning and content revision.

Support and Resources for Parents

Calculation Policy-Addition and Substraction

Calculation Policy-Multiplication and Division

Supporting Maths at home

Parental guidance on maths strategies

Using and Applying Mathematics